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St. Francis Christan Convent

General Code of Conduct for students

  • Every student has to pay respect to his/her teachers and elders.
  • When teacher enters/exits the class, they should stand up as a mark of honour.
  • Students should do their homework regularly and sincerely. They should be attentive in the class.
  • Students should bring their school dairy with them every day.
  • Students should never tamper with entries made in progress report or diary.
  • Students should be polite, well behaved in and outside of the school.
  • Punctuality must be strictly observed by the students.
  • Students should maintain cleanliness in their class rooms. Labs School compound.
  • Students should not write, carve or scratch on the walls, black boards or furniture.
  • Students should preserve environment, plant trees and maintain greenery.

Card system for Discipline

  • To maintain discipline in the school and to deal with indiscipline cases, a discipline committee in constituted, headed by the Vice – Principal and assisted by two senior teacher.
  • A system of issuing Green, Yellow, Red and Black cards has been introduced to deal with indiscipline cases. Details are given in the school diary parents are requested to read it.

Parental Cooperation

  • Parents are requested to look into their child’s school Diary every day and see that the lessons and the homework assigned for the next day are done regularly.
  • If the child is not making the desired progress, please make it a point to discuss it with the Principal and the Class Teachers.
  • Parents are requested to inform the school for any change of address and contact number.
  • Parents are required to send their children to School on time. Presence of every child in the assembly is compulsory.
  • A sick child must not be sent to the School with medicines to be taken during the school hours.
  • Please encourage your child to participate in all activities of the school.
  • Parents are requested to send their child in proper School uniform.
Important Notice: School reserves the right to delete/alter/revise the contents mentioned in this prospectus at any time without giving any prior notice.